Comedy of Errors AUDITIONS

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Comedy of Errors AUDITIONS

Hannah Stewart
Auditions for Comedy of Errors at Confidential Theatre Company. Directed by Hannah Stewart.


Location -- 55 E Main St, Mesa, AZ (Southwest Shakespeare Company Rehearsal Space)

Please bring a prepared Shakespearean monologue or scene of 1-3 minutes in length. It is important that you select pieces you have worked with before and are comfortable with, as direction will be given in the audition based on this piece. There may be a component of cold reads as well.

It is imperative that you arrive precisely on time for your audition slot, and communicate with us should you run into problems. Due to the experimental concept this company employs, we require that those auditioning are not permitted to interact. The key to this process is secrecy. This will be further explained in your audition. If cast, we require that you tell no one without our express permission, and you will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement at your audition to this effect. It is vital to the integrity of this project that cast members do not discover who else is in the cast unless approved by the director, and recasting will have to occur if this agreement is broken even unintentionally.

Auditions will take place April 1st, 2-9pm and April 2nd, 5-8pm at 55 E Main St, Mesa, AZ 85201 (the Southwest Shakespeare Company’s rehearsal space). Instructions, including where to park, will be emailed to you when your audition slot is confirmed.

Callbacks will take place April 8th, 2-9pm and April 9th, 5-8pm, also at 55 E Main St. Details for callbacks will be emailed to those selected.

*If you wish to audition, but are unavailable on these dates/times, please let us know! We have some flexibility to accommodate if necessary.*

Booking Your Slot:

Send us an email at with your headshot, resume, a copy of your scene or monologue, and your preferred day and time, subject line “Comedy of Errors Auditions.” We will get back to you as quickly as possible to confirm.

Time Commitment:

Because this rehearsal process is unlike any you’ve ever seen, the time commitment is a bit different. Rehearsals will begin Monday, April 17th. They will be evenings Mon-Fri, but actors will not be called every night. The cast will be split into 4 groups, and we expect you will be called to no more than 3 rehearsals a week (this does not apply to readers, see below). This being said, you are expected to put in the work outside of rehearsals necessary to be ready for the production. Rehearsals will run for 4 weeks.

The performance is a one night only event, and is the only time the entire cast will be together in the same room. Again, this will be further explained at your audition.

Performance Info:

A one-night-only event, May 14th at 7:30pm in the Chandler-Gilbert Community College Black Box. Admission is free, but we will be accepting donations. There will be a talkback after the show to discuss the unique challenges and rewards of this process.

Roles Available:

All roles are available. We are looking for a cast of 11-12. There will be some double casting, and we are casting the production gender-blind. Once the cast is selected, we will decide what gender bending and cross dressing is appropriate.

In addition, we are looking to cast 2-3 readers/understudies. These will be the true rock stars of this process, and it is not possible without them. They will be called to every rehearsal, and they will be reading in for the characters that, for the sake of the concept, are not allowed to rehearse together. They will be asked to take on multiple interpretations of each character to help prepare the cast as thoroughly as possible for the actual performance. These actors will work very closely with the director, and will receive recognition for all their work at the actual performance. They will also be given the opportunity to create a preshow based on the work they do through the rehearsal process.